Lifespan Faith Development

 Get Involved in Lifespan Faith Development

 Lifespan Faith Development is the process of nurturing our spiritual lives and relationship with the sacred.  It is central to the mission of this faith community. Here at UUFD we nurture the exploration of spiritual life through programs for all ages, children, youth and young adult, all the way through seniors. Our programs include religious study, spiritual practice, and ethical development. We challenge and support each other in our individual spiritual journeys and in our collective religious journey.

 If you would like to help out with our Lifespan Faith Development Ministry or participate in its activities, please contact the UUFD Director of Religious Education at LFD is always in need of volunteers to work with our minister in developing and leading Adult Deepening Groups and special activities for our Youth and Young Adult (UUYAYA) program. We are especially looking for volunteers to help with the Children's RE program (ages 0 through 17). At UUFD, we believe that responsibility for our Children's RE program belongs to all members of our community, not just the families that participate in it. We need adult volunteers to train and serve as volunteer teachers and classroom assistants. We also need leaders and helpers for Children's Faith in Action projects and other special activities. A volunteer sign-up sheet is available in our Fellowship Hall. 

Volunteers or those just curious about volunteering or participating in our program are encouraged to attend our monthly Lifespan Development Pot Luck Dinners to discuss program content, scheduling, questions and ideas. This is an excellent opportunity to meet the families enrolled in our children and youth programs.  Plus it is just a fun way to feel connected with our community! 

To view upcoming events sponsored by Lifespan Faith Development, click here.

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Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns