Safe Child Procedures

In order to keep our children safe, UUFD is instituting a new procedure for Sunday morning Religious Education classes and Coffee Hour. If you have questions, please ask an RE Staff Member.

1. Before Sunday worship, each child’s parent or guardian will sign the child in for RE in the large RE room. This is the room with 2 plate glass windows on the northeast side of the Fellowship Hall.

2. Once a child is registered in our RE program, this sign-in is a simple check-mark after the child's name. (If your child is new to UUFD, please write in their name and fill out a brief form.)

3. Following the service, the parent or guardian will sign their child(ren) out from the large RE room by 11:30 a.m. After this, the Childcare and RE staff are no longer responsible for your child.

4. From 11:30 to 12:30: The RE rooms will remain available as a resource for your family. Children may not be left unattended; you or another adult caregiver that you have designated must be in the room with them. You and your child are responsible for returning all materials to their rightful place.

For the safety and comfort of our congregation during Coffee Hour, please do not allow your children to run, yell, or play the piano in the Fellowship Hall, the Sanctuary, or in any hallways.

You may bring energetic children to the RE Room and facilitate their exuberance with the door shut. Parents or guardians may also escort their children outside to play around the gazebo, but the children must be supervised by an adult at all times.

Thank you for helping us to keep everyone safe and happy!

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Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns