Minister's Welcome

Hello UUCDMembers and Friends!

I am delighted to be serving as minister at UUCD for the 2022-2023 church year.

So many organizations and activities have been deeply impacted by the COVID-19 virus, including UUCD. We continue to honor one another by following medical recommendations to limit transmission and we strive to honor humanity and our own needs by re-establishing and strengthening connections that sustain us in difficult times. We have all had to learn a great deal of flexibility, and we can continue in that learning with love for one another. I am excited for the new opportunities and experiences we will create together as we grow. 

Prior to coming to UUCD, I served as ministerial intern at Beverly Unitarian Church in Chicago for two years while in seminary at Meadville Lombard Theological School. Prior to seminary I taught high school, studied government and politics, and worked as an environmental policy analyst. My family and I moved to the area in 2019 when my husband was called to settled ministry at the UU Society of Geneva. We now live in Batavia with our twin teens and two very devious dogs, Asta and Arlo. It is a busy, and sometimes very noisy, house, but I can make plenty of time for quiet phone calls and meetings with you.

Feel free to contact me so we can build some community together!

In Faith,
Reverend Julia Jones (she/her)
Cell 301-717-8509




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Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns