Worship & Arts
Be Involved in Worship and Arts
The Worship and Arts Ministry Committee coordinates Sunday services, choir activities, other musical and expressive arts, special services and celebrations.
Worship Associates
Worship Associates are volunteer members of the congregation who lead some of our Sunday services or assist the minister or a lay-leader with Sunday services. Worship Associates work as a team, filling in for each other as necessary, and assisting the minister and each other with ideas for readings, poetry, or sermon topics.
Music and Art Groups
If you would like to join the UUFD Choir, you can contact the Musical Director, Toni Tollerud, and plan to attend a rehearsal. Choir rehearses on Sunday morning prior to the church service at 9 AM. If you would like to provide special music for some Sunday service, please contact Toni Tollerud for that as well. Email is tollereud@niu.edu or call on her cell at 815-501-4784. Please share your talents. We enjoy all types of music and are welcoming of all levels of musicianship.
The Worship and Arts Committee encourages all members and friends to contribute their musical or artistics talents in any way that contributes to spiritual life of the UUFD community. See an example of one member's artistic vision for UUFD here. Contact the Minister, Rev. Linda Slabon, or the Music Director, Toni Tollerud about your interests and ideas.