Rev. Linda Slabon
On July 16, 2017, Rev. Linda Slabon retired after 26 years as minister at UUFD. On that same day, the congregation bestowed upon Rev. Linda the title of "Minister Emerita," in honor of her many years of faithful service to our congregation. We are grateful for Rev. Linda, and to her spouse Toni Tollerud, who served for 26 years as our music director, for their leadership and dedication over these many years.
Here is a selection from Rev. Linda's goodbeye message (see the full message in our June/July 2017 Pathfinder), which explains what it means to be minister emerita:
In March I wrote, “I am not being a good minister if I hide from feelings or pretend that the status quo will just keep rolling along. It won’t. What comes now are Sunday services where I talk about the transformation ahead, meetings with leaders and members as I beat the drum of transition even though you may not like it, and rituals that bring us together even as we think about letting go.”
It is incredibly hard to accept that Toni and I have only 3 Sunday services left at UUFD. How did this leaving come upon us so fast? I have raised the issue for two years and I set goals at the May 2015 Congregational Meeting that I indicated as my priorities. These goals included the completion of the Building Our Future Campaign, holding a social justice focused WomanSpirit Conference that raised money for UUFD, celebrating the four young adults who completed the UUFD Bridging & Coming of Age program on May 14 when they gave their CREDO statements, and increasing our UUFD lay staff salaries up to recommended UUA Fair Share guidelines. Many, not all, of my goals have been reached. What lays before you now is how you will continue the ministry of this congregation into the future – both lay led and professional ministry.
I hope you will think well of me and continue to be there for each other. It has been an honor and privilege to serve you, and it has been one of the greatest joys of my life.
In the Spirit of Life, Rev. Linda
Rev. Linda's Writings
Title | Date |
Test | December 26, 2013 |