Deepening Groups
About UUFD Adult Deepening Groups
Deepening groups are designed to foster connection and caring, to provide an avenue for personal growth and spiritual development, and ultimately to strengthen the fabric of our community and provide ways in which we may serve. They are open to anyone who might wish to participate. The groups are guided by facilitators who have received training. Groups, which usually meet about twice a month, may meet in members’ homes or at some other agreeable location. Each group negotiates their meeting times and places.
Groups are composed of 6 to 12 members. The format includes an opening reading, time for a check-in and sharing, discussion on a topic, then a time for feedback and a closing reading. Sessions are about two hours.
At UUFD, deepening groups take on different emphases. Some are theme-oriented while others are open for spiritual exploration of larger life issues. To find out what deepening groups are presently available, or to sign up for placement in a deepening group, contact the church office at