About Our Black Lives Matter Banner

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught is an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

-- Rev.Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


 Our congregation believes that Black Lives Matter is more than a slogan. It is a stance in response to the racial oppression that has continued over generations taking different forms.  It is a moral objection to the increasing racial wealth gap, the school to prison pipeline, housing inequality and gentrification, institutional racism, and forms of violence aimed at people of color. It calls upon each of us to simply recognize and affirm the inherent dignity and value of Black life.

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

What is Black Lives Matter?

Black Lives Matter (or #BlackLivesMatter) is more than a slogan. It is a stance in response to the reality of racial oppression that has continued over generations taking different forms. Saying that “black lives matter” is not to say that other lives don’t matter. It is to say that although black lives are often treated as if they don’t matter, we affirm that they do.

Why is UUCD involved in Black Lives Matter?

Our congregation is in a diverse community that is affected by the racial injustice that pervades U.S. institutions and culture. Our principles lead us to witness and work toward greater fairness and full democratic participation for everyone.

Don’t all lives matter – brown, blue, white, and black?

Of course, all lives matter! In a society where some lives seem to matter more than others, it is helpful to focus on the lives of those most oppressed. It doesn’t imply that only black lives matter or that black lives matter more.

What do I say if someone asks why I wear a Black Lives Matter button?

Have a conversation! Ask why they are curious and be willing to listen. Explain what you mean by wearing the button. Sincerity and curiosity can lead to productive dialogue.


 “To display the sign, Black Lives Matter, is an act of cultural resistance, of public witness. This action is a symbol of something larger, and a spiritual practice as well—focus, attention, and steadiness. The aim and desire is to keep the spotlight on the complex set of issues affecting Black people in this country……Black Lives Matter is a statement about that renewed commitment, a vow to keep looking, watching, and struggling.”

-- Rev. Louise Green, Unitarian Universalist Minister


 The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of DeKalb displays a Black Lives Matter banner as an action of public witness based in the principles of our faith. Racial justice is human justice.   Unitarian Universalists affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. This principle is held closely and honored by all Unitarian Universalists.  UUFD, and Unitarian Universalists across the country, are engaged in various activities to support racial justice, the Black Lives Matter movement, and other historical and contemporary movements for Black lives.

At various times throughout the year you will find our UUFD Black Lives Matter banner on display within our worship space, in our fellowship hall, and on the front of our church building. Our Black Lives Matter banner is part of a deeper process within UUCD of study, conversation, commitment, action, and reflection that is taking place within our congregation around issues of race, racism, and racial justice.  We strive to join with other national, local, and community efforts toward racial equity that are grounded in a spirit of love, hope, and compassion.  We hope that we can join you and the DeKalb community in this conversation.

For further study and reflection:

A Unitarian Universalist Black Lives Matter Theology, written by faith leader and religious educator, Kenny Wiley, a leader in the Black Lives of UU Organizing Collective

Courage For Black Lives Matter: Love Letter to White Unitarian Universalists (and other white folks too). Written by white anti-racism activist and Unitarian Universalist author, Chris Crass. 

The Black Lives of UU Organizing Collective was formed at the Movement for Black Lives Convening in 2015 to provide support, information, and resources for Black Unitarian Universalists and to expand the visibility and leadership of Black UUs within our faith.

Allies for Racial Equity is an antiracism movement that engages white Unitarian Universalists in understanding whiteness and privilege, unlearning and challenging white supremacy, and confronting racism in ways that are accountable to communities of color. 

Sermons, readings, and other Black Lives Matter worship resources from Unitarian Universalist ministers and faith leaders.

The Unitarian Universalist Association written Action of Immediate Witness in Support of the Black Lives Matter Movement, adopted in 2015. 

Watch keynote presentation given #BlackLivesMatter co-founder Opel Tometi at the Marching in Arc of Justice Conference held by the Living Legacy Project and the UUA in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Selma Voting Rights Campaign

A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement written by Alicia Garza, co-founder of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement

Copyright © 2025 Unitarian Universalist Congregation of DeKalb
Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns