Facilities Rental

UUFD offers its facilities for rent to individuals and organizations. Prices are negotiable and in some circumstances can be waved, but generally speaking rental fees are as follows:

Fellowship Hall

Members and Friends who pledge annually: Up to 4 hours $40; full day $80.
Non-Members: 4 hours $80; full day $160


Members and Friends who pledge annually: Up to 4 hours $ 30; full day $60. No cost for members to use the library when they rent the Sanctuary or Fellowship Hall for religious services such as commitment ceremonies, weddings, funerals, and child dedications.

Non-Members: Up to 4 hours $60; full day $120


Members and Friends who pledge annually: Up to 4 hours $75; Full Day $150.
Non-Members: Up to 4 hours $125; full day $250

Weddings, Holy Unions and Funerals:

Members and Friends who pledge annually – No Cost.
Non-Members: Up to 4 hours $125. Does not include professional services such as minister and musicians.

Religious Education Room

There will be one small R.E. room available for cost sharing on a limited basis. The capacity for this room is 8 people.

Fees - Members and Friends who pledge annually: Up to 4 hours $10; full day $20. 
Non-Members: 4 hours $20; full day $40


For more information about rental facilities and fees, contact office@uufdekalb.org
and/or see our Building Use Policy.

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Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns