About Our Worship Services

If you are planning to attend a UUCD Worship Service for the first time, you may be wondering...

What do I need to know to walk in the door?

All are welcome. Sunday Services begin at 10:00 AM but doors open at 9:30 AM if you wish to arrive early. We have Greeters who will welcome you at the hospitality table at the entrance to our sanctuary. Feel free to fill in a name tag, sign up to receive our newsletter, and pick up any literature about our events and activities that are on the table.  We also serve coffee and snacks in the Fellowship Hall following the service.  Please join us! If you inform our Greeters that you will join us, they will be happy to introduce you to some of members there.

What are Unitarian Universalist Worship Services like?

Once a month our services are led by our minister. Other services are led by a team of our lay worship leaders, members of our trained Worship Associates. Our services begin with the lighting of the Flaming Chalice (our symbol of faith) and include music, readings, simple rituals (e.g. candle-lightings), and a sermon. Often our choir is present to contribute one or two anthems. Worshippers often are invited to share joys, sorrows and milestones.  These are followed by a prayer and a special reading that accompanies the lighting of our Social Justice candle. The weekly sermon, which lasts for about twenty minutes, may be about theology, social issues, personal spiritual development, religious holidays, or world religions.  Monthly worsip themes inform our Sunday services as well.  An offering is collected prior to a closing benediction and hymn.  The length of the service is typically 60  minutes, but it may be shorter or longer.  We do not mind if you need to leave early.  

What do you mean when you say, "Everyone is Welcome?"

All are welcome to attend our services.We are an inclusive and supportive religious home for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. We welcome people regardless of religious background, class, income, race, disability, or any other status or identity. 

What do I wear to attend a worship service?

People dress in everything from casual business dress to informal attire. We want you to come in any respectful way that makes you feel comfortable.

Do I have to make a donation to the church to attend the service? And if I make a donation, how much is expected?

Visitors are not expected to make a donation. You are our guest. Should you choose to contribute, there are no expectations for the amount of donations. Give only as you are willing and able to support our ministries. About once a month we hold a special offering where donations go to support local social services or to respond to a crisis.  We invite you to contribute to help these organizations or ministries alleviate suffering locally and globally.  

What do I do with my children when I visit?

Your children are welcome!  We provide free nursery care for infants and small children under four. Children four and up are welcome to either join the service with you or participate in our children’s religious education class in the Fellowship Hall adjacent to the sanctuary.  Arrive early, and you will have time to meet our childcare staff and Religious Education Director.  If your children remain with you during the service, our greeters can provide them with activities packets to keep them entertained.

Is UUCD handicapped accessible? And does UUFD offer assisted listening devices and a large print version of its readings and hymns?

Yes!  We are fully wheel-chair accessible.  And our greeters at the entrance to the sanctuary will provide you with an assisted hearing apparatus and a large-print version of its book of readings and hymns upon your request.


Copyright © 2025 Unitarian Universalist Congregation of DeKalb
Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns