
We call our lifelong learning program Lifespan Faith Development (LFD). Lifespan Faith Development is the process of nurturing our spiritual lives and relationship with the sacred. Our LFD program provides opportunities for exploration and learning for all ages to foster spiritual growth as a foundation for building loving communities and a just world (UUFD Lifespan Faith Development Mission Statement, adopted Fall, 2007).  

Structured to be appropriate to different developmental levels, our program is centered on five pillars of learning:

  • Unitarian Universalist Identity and History

  • Care for the Earth
  • Social Justice

  • World Religions and Cultures

  • Spiritual Health and Practice


Programs for All Ages


Nursery and Child Care (Infants through age 4)

UUFD provides free child care for infants and small children up though age four while their parents attend our Sunday worship services or other church activities.  Although parents are welcome to keep their small children with them, they are equally welcome to bring them to our nursery where skilled and caring child-care providers will look after them. At UUFD, we understand that the early months and years of a child's life are a time of enormous and rapid cognitive and emotional development. Accordingly, we seek to provide our young children with a stimulating, age-appropriate environment to foster this development. Our childcare providers are professional paid staff that are screened and background-checked.  If you plan to use our child care services, please arrive about fifteen minutes before our worship services or events begin in order to meet with our caregivers and help your children get settled in.

Children's RE 

Sprouts  (Ages 0-4)

Childcare and RE activities for Sprouts focus on art, music, and stories

Rainbow Kids (Ages 5 through Fifth Grade)

In our experientially based learning program, Rainbow kids learn meditation and other spritual practices, share feelings, and learn UU principles and the seven "rainbow" promises.  Learn about these promises here

Bridge Builders (Sixth Grade and Up)

Our Bridge Builder children study all five pillars of the UUFD LFD prgram (see the five pillars listed above).

 Please explore the Children's Lifelong Learning section to learn more about our children's curriculum. 


Adult Learning (Ages 17 through seniors)

Believing that learning and spiritual development is a lifelong process, our adult religious education program provides several venues to assist our adult UUFD friends and members in pursuing their spiritual journeys. These include:

  • Pathways to Membership Seminars
  • Deepening Groups
  • Meditation Groups
  • Book Groups
  • Spiritual Retreats

Please explore our Adult Lifelong Learning section for more detailed information.


Copyright © 2025 Unitarian Universalist Congregation of DeKalb
Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns