Sexuality and Community Policy

“At our core, the heart of our theology, ours is a relational faith.
You see, for us relationship is holy. 

It is in relationship, in community, that we can transcend our egos. 
It is in relationship that we can learn and grow. 
We make promises to each other about how we will be in relationship, and that is our covenant.”

-- Rev. William G. Sinkford, UUA President 2001-2009

 Sexuality is a healthy and important part of our lives. All members of our congregational community must respect each other’s physical boundaries.  Inappropriate behavior such as sexual harassment or any violence or assault is not permitted.

 Adults, staff, and volunteers at UUFD are in a position of stewardship and play a key role in fostering the spiritual development of both individuals and the community.  It is, therefore, especially important that adults be attentive to the special nurture, care, and support that will enable our youth and children to develop a positive sense of self and responsibility.  The relationships we foster must be those of mutual respect to support the development of healthy identity as a sexual being. 

 Because children and youth suffer damaging effects when leaders who have power and responsibility over those vulnerable become sexually involved with young persons in their care, our UUFD leaders will not engage in sexual, seductive or erotic behavior with youth or children.  Neither shall they sexually harass or engage in verbal, emotional, or physical abuse.  Those who abuse their roles as leaders, consciously or not, can damage individuals and the community.  Staff, and volunteers (adults and youth leaders) are expected to use their power and influence in a positive manner. 

 All staff and volunteers shall be informed of this code and agree to it before assuming their role.  In cases of violation, appropriate action will be taken as noted in the UUFD Protection Policy.


 Code of Ethics for Staff and Volunteers Who Work with Children

 As I work to foster healthy relationships in my congregational community:

  • I will act only in those ways which affirm the inherent worth and dignity of, promote justice, equity and compassion between, and encourage the spiritual growth of individuals with whom I have an interpersonal relationship.
  • I acknowledge that spirituality and sexuality are each a piece of each other. As a leader in a spiritual community, I shall honor any commitments I have made to myself and others. I will not engage in behavior that is damaging to any of my relationships or the relationships of others.
  • I recognize that as a leader in whom trust and power have been placed, I am in a relationship of faith. I will refrain from practices that allow me to meet my own needs in ways that potentially take advantage of others.
  • I will not abuse my authority by manipulating others to satisfy my personal needs. Examples of this include but are not restricted to intimate or sexualized behavior with any child or youth, any vulnerable adult seeking advice and comfort from me as a leader, any adult in a committed relationship without the informed consent of everyone involved , or anyone for whom my leadership is necessary in order to maintain our relationship.
  • I will not engage in any other exploitative relationship that abuses the power and damages the trust that a specific individual, group, congregation, or institution has placed in me.

 I agree to this Code of Ethics for UUFD Staff and Volunteers who work with children and youth.  


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