Stewardship Pledge Form
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we’ve had a good year at UUCD! The Winter Markets returned under Dorothy Coleman’s leadership, and it was so wonderful to see beloved community come together and put the “fun” in fundraising. Weeknights have been active as members and friends gather for yoga, crafting, and companionship. We have so much to be thankful for, and now it’s time to pledge ourselves to good times ahead.
There is still more that we want to do! In particular, we want to raise Rev. Julia to half time ministry - the board believes having a half-time ministry (or more) is vital for the congregation to thrive in the long term. We have several families committed to raising their pledge - will you join them?
Our existence as a congregation is, first and foremost, a communal endeavor. We rely on one another, and we all benefit from that interdependence. Pledges are the most significant source of income for our Operating Budget, and we depend on them to fund our everyday expenses, from utility bills to staff salaries. Our Pledge Goal this year is $92,000.
Giving to our community with time, talent, and treasure allows us to coexist and to continue to build beloved community.