
Below is a copy of Article III of the UUFD By-Laws followed by the Board policy on becoming a member, membership maintenance, and removal based on “extended non-participation”.


 1. REQUIREMENTS: Any person who subscribes to the purposes of the Fellowship may join as a Member by signing the Membership book.  After 30 days of membership, Members ages 18 years and over shall have the privilege of voting at congregational meetings and in any other formal votes taken by the Fellowship.  Young people may join at any time, and may become voting Members at age 18.

 2. FRIENDS: Participants in the life of the Fellowship who have not joined will be considered  "Friends." Provisions hereinafter applying to "Members" will also apply to Friends.

 3. MAILING LIST: All Members and Friends will be included on the Fellowship mailing list.  Visitors, former Members, Persons who have requested receipt of mail, and others, may be included in the Mailing List at the discretion of the Executive Board.

 4. WITHDRAWAL: Anyone may withdraw from the Fellowship at his or her own request or may be dropped from the membership roll by the Board for extended non-participation as defined by Board policy.


Becoming a Member:

  1. Youth who complete the Coming of Age program may sign the book at any time.  They may become voting members at age 18. 
  2. An adult must attend for six months and participate as a friend prior to signing the book.
  3. An adult shall complete Pathways to Membership classes and/or meet privately with the minister, complete a pledge form, and sign the membership book to become a voting member. 

Membership Maintenance:

A member shall pledge annually, make a contribution of record, and participate regularly in congregational life.  It is not wise use of Fellowship resources to maintain non-participating signed members.

 "Extended non-participation" shall be defined as:

1.   Non-attendance at a Sunday service for 52 consecutive weeks (one year); and

2.   No recorded financial contribution to the Fellowship for 52 consecutive weeks (one year),  as determined by the congregational treasurer's accounts.  

Process for Removal of Non-participants from the Membership Rolls

1.   A Board member, a member of the Congregational Support & Development Ministry Committee, and the Minister shall review the signed membership list and determine persons falling into the category of "extended non-participants."

2.   Name(s) of these persons are submitted to the full Board for concurrence that these persons should be contacted (letter and/or personal contact) regarding their continued membership.

3.   A letter is sent clearly identifying "extended non-participation" and requesting clarification of the person's intent to remain a voting member. A response shall be in the form of attendance at a Sunday service and a financial contribution of record, and notice (by phone, letter, email or personal contact) of the person's intent to remain a member in good standing.

4.   If no response is received within 30 days (one month), the Board shall remove their names as voting members.  

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Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns